内诵和自省 四忠 张茗睿


Confucius said, "Alas! I have never seen anyone who can see his own faults and reflect upon them within himself."


In the book of <Nan Huaijin talks about Life and Survival>, Master Nan once translated Confucius' words into plain language: "Forget it! I have never seen anyone who can always examine his own faults and then reflect upon himself within himself afterward."


The author of <The Little Prince> once wrote "Self-examination is much harder than examining others."


It is very impressive if a person can reflect upon and correct his own mistakes. Many sages have praised this, but few people can actually do it. Throughout history, most of the people who have achieved great success have been able to "examine themselves three times a day."


I think if one day I am able to do this, to find and correct my mistakes at every moment, I must be close to becoming the kind of person that Master Nan spoke of, a noble and virtuous man. I will strive to do so, and I hope everyone can join me in this effort.